Don’t let inaccurate estate appraisals jeopardize your financial security and legacy.

Estate planning is crucial for preserving your legacy and ensuring your heirs are taken care of. However, one common mistake can jeopardize everything: a poor appraisal.

Why Accurate Appraisals Matter

Accurate appraisals are essential for several reasons:

  • IRS Scrutiny: High-value estates are closely examined. Inaccurate appraisals can lead to audits, penalties, and significant tax bills.
  • Probate Challenges: Courts may reject settlements with questionable appraisals, causing delays and additional costs.
  • Family Disputes: Misvalued assets can create perceived unfairness, leading to costly and emotionally draining family conflicts.

Many so-called “professional” appraisers lack the specific expertise needed for estate valuations. This can result in substantial financial loss and legal complications.

What Sets Us Apart

At Cascade Real Property Appraisal, we specialize in estate appraisals and have extensive expertise in IRS regulations and advanced valuation techniques. Our team has been involved in numerous types of appraisals, including estate planning, divorce, bankruptcy, and more.

Take Action

  • Review Your Appraisals: If you’re involved in an estate settlement, ensure your appraisals are professionally reviewed.
  • Plan Ahead: Choose an appraiser with proven experience in estate valuations. Request references and examples of their work.
  • Consultation Offer: Contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation. We’ll assess your situation and provide an honest opinion, even if you don’t need our services.

In estate settlements, accuracy is key. Protect your family’s future by ensuring your appraisals are accurate and reliable.

For professional estate appraisal services in the greater Portland area, reach out to me, Joe Orchard at Cascade Real Property Appraisal. Call me at 503-643-1075 or email me at for more information.